Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Shout out to My Kitties

[all cartoons from Shoeboxblog]

For our Mommy friends (and mommies to be)...

And for Scott, who has sold his soul for the sake of paying the mortgage - thank you, Honey.  But I know you are still an artist/angst-riddled existentialist/bad boy/rebel/Dude underneath it all.  And the frayed edges of your chinos cuffs allude to this, ever-so-slightly.  Corporate world be damned!  But keep those checks coming...
Love, Al


Anonymous said...

You have a knack for picking the best cartoons. I love it because I grew up a cartoon junky. Comic books, mini pages, newspapers, etc. Plus, my artist dad is "comic-ish" in his drawings. LOVE IT. Keep 'em coming.

Marie Rayner said...

I love those cartoons Allison. You gave me a real chuckle this morning. I especially love the wit of the last one! I like being made to think.