Monday, May 12, 2008


Quote of the Day
"If you've ever loved someone smelly, sticky or buck-toothed, then chances are you're a mom."

Happy Mothers' Day to all you moms.  Hope you had something relaxing and fun to do yesterday.
That was pretty much what my weekend was like.  But friends and family made it more fun.
heh heh.



Anonymous said...

More good ones. You do have a knack :) My Mother's Day was good, but my big plans to go shopping at the mall were cut short by "L" projectile vomiting all over the floor at Sbarro's. 3 times. So much for my big plans. There's always next year.

Hey! I noticed you added me to your blogroll :) Thank you. I haven't put mine back together since I started my new site. You'll be the first one :)

Maude Lynn said...

These are hilarious!