Monday, November 23, 2009

Over the top and inside out

Thank you Donna at DQ's Windmill for the award! The rules are: thank the person who gave it to you, answer the following questions in one word, and then pass it forward to five other bloggers.

*Where is your phone? CHARGING
*Your hair? WET
*Your Mother? AMAZING
*Your Father? MISSED
*Favorite food? FROZEN
*Your dream last night? FORGOTTEN
*Favorite drink? SODA
*Your dream? EASE
*What room are you in? LIVING
*Your hobby? READING
*Your fear? POVERTY
*Where do you want to be in six years? MOTHERHOOD
*Where were you last night? HOME
*Something you're not? PEACEFUL
*Wish List Item? SECURITY
*Last thing you did? WORRY
*What are you wearing? FARGO
*Your pets? SNUGGLY
*Your friends? BUSY!
*Your life? CHANGING
*Your mood? DEPRESSED
*Missing someone? TIP
*Your vehicle? FAITHFUL
*Something you're not wearing? COMMANDO
*Your favorite color? RED
*When was the last time you laughed? TONIGHT
*Last time you cried? UNSURE
*Your best friend? KITTY
*One place you go over and over? PRAYER
*One person that emails you? BARB
*Favorite place to eat? INDIAN

I tag: anyone who wants to play. Let me know!


Marie Rayner said...

haha, I loved your answers Alison! Commando? really?

Donna Quesada said...

May your mood change soon, as the storm gives way to placid skies!
Sending a smile and many baby-time wishes.