Friday, August 23, 2019

Affordable Self-Care

"Affordable Self-Care Plan"

I was listening to a podcast yesterday (episode 112) on one of my favorite channels called Your Anxiety Toolkit, with Kimberly Quinlan.

The guest speaker was talking about demystifying self-care for the not-so-wealthy of us, and realizing how easy it is and basic to care for ourselves in a more intentional and kind way.

So here is my no-cost Self-Care list of choices:

- Go to bed earlier.
(This was the number one item discussed.) For as easy and obvious as this is for some of you [morning people], it is equally challenging and mystifying for the rest of us [night people]. At night is when I am most myself, most alive, brimming with ideas and solutions, and not wanting my last remaining scraps of adulting time to end and merge - like slime - into another difficult morning. So I resist going to bed at all costs. Meanwhile, I totally love sleep and totally agree it is often the very most important thing to changing the direction of my thoughts and getting my emotions out of the swamp. I just literally cannot cope lately, as exhaustion (physical, mental, emotional) has hit a major peak. I think I need more sleep.

- Play the piano. I cannot seem to get ONE MINUTE alone in my house lately. But at least I can sink into the music and ignore everyone if I am playing.

- [I feel like I am supposed to say: Take a walk outdoors. And though this is always enjoyable it also feels incredibly boring to me and I want to come up with something way more appealing.]......

- Spend 2 minutes looking at the sky. Stay in one place and either lay on the ground looking up or stand and slowly make a circle with my head tipped back so I can see the entire dome of the sky. Notice what is there and what is not. Done.

- Notice when you stand up; notice when you sit down.
This is an exercise I got from a training my friend did on mindfulness. I have yet to be able to accomplish it. But it could be a goal. I would probably add, "and take one breath."

- Sit or lie quietly with someone I love. Maybe my children.

- Walk the perimeter of my property. Alone! [am sensing a theme...]

- Visit with the chickens in the barn. Get them used to their snuggles.

- Stretch in my office with the door closed.
I used to be good about turning off the light, closing the door, and doing this for 5 minutes on break. I haven't in a while. It's time.

- Peruse the greeting card aisle (one of my all-time favorites) and snap a pic of funny ones to send to friends at opportune moments. Always fun.

- Give a hug that lasts beyond when the other person lets go.
I have a couple friends at work I get up and go hug every once in a while. They always seem to appreciate it. Of course this is a "know your audience" situation, as not everybody likes to be hugged, especially without asking. And of course, be especially wary at work. I only hug these folks bc I am friends w them and have known them for years and they like to be hugged. [You can tell bc they hug back hard.]

- Practice "Say three things I am grateful for before turning the key in the ignition."

- Get sunshine on my face, even for 5 mins. 
The same woman at work who practices mindfulness is oft seen out front of the building with her face to the sky and her eyes closed. Vitamin D therapy time. It only takes a minute. Do nothing else at the same time.

- Smile at myself in the mirror.
[Tell your mind to "settle down" when it automatically says something mean.]

- Shut up and listen. You don't always have to respond.
I am practicing this in multiple ways.

- Thank your body for carrying on.

- Pray for two friends who are struggling. This also only takes about a minute.

- Turn off the radio in the car and be quiet for a few.

- Just hug the kids without saying anything.

That oughta get me started....


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