Tuesday, June 26, 2018

For Today...
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Outside my window...
The arborvitae outside my office window are struggling - 4 of 6 of them look to be dying. Nobody is watering them. Should I be watering them?? It is sunny today, a beautiful day. I am tired in and out and wishing to be in my garden, weeding, planting, having more than 5 minutes.

I am thinking...
About how to talk to my kids about racism. Their world is so white, so middle class...they have no idea. How do you explain to these babies that there are so many people full of hate? I will come at it from a "we believe all humans are equal" standpoint. See how that goes.

I am thankful...
For Purple Dove bush beans and Blue Lake bush beans....they are growing with flourish. What on earth am i going to do with all those beans?? Friendly Kitchen...here I come!

I am wearing...
my red hot pants and a somewhat slutty blouse (peekaboo cleavage opening) that I don't normally wear to work but I don't have any meetings and the bosses are away, so.

I am creating...
a home for my children that celebrates artwork, books, learning, personal goals, fun time, animals, the planet (earth science), and family. It isn't always clean (which is a gross overstatement...it is rarely clean). But it holds our love, I hope.

I am going...

to take some of the blessed surprise days off I found in my time off roster...I just can't figure out how or when! Oh Mama needs a day off.

I am wondering...
if the little girls Lucinda invited to her special Girls' Day birthday party will come. This is causing me great anxiety, but there's really nothing I can do about it. Am trying to "work my magic," and orchestrate the logistics and moods and needs...but i don't have any magic! I'm a regular mom just trying to make a special day. Worst case scenario, I will spend the day with my little sweetheart, heart of my heart, and we will tear up this town!

I am reading...
the Ramona books to my daughter at night, which is just about the most satisfying mother moment I have ever had. I dreamed of this my whole life. These were my favorite books by my favorite author, Beverly Cleary. Now Lucinda loves them so much and this has become our special time at night, after Jack passes out. She wants to write to Beverly Cleary and suggest a new book. I think that's a great idea!

I am hoping...
this slog-bog day will go very quickly so I can get to my garden and have some time alone.

I am learning...
to go with the flow. A life-long lesson.

In my garden...
I am very pleased to report that I planted the moonflower and the red cypress vines within the children's tunnel, and I have high hopes of them climbing toward the light and covering that tunnel like a little secret hideaway.

In my kitchen...
the crazy, relentless fish are growing bigger and bigger and they swarm the tank walls every time I approach. Nuts. The "pet project" was a big Mommy project, as it turns out - and as so many mothers before me have experienced.

A favorite quote for today...
“Each time a man acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope...and those ripples, together, build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression.” ~Bobby Kennedy #RFK50

A peek into one of my days...
...started with lying in bed hoping somehow to beat time. Time won. Got up and rushed like crazy to get to work on time, trying to get eyeballs to stop feeling like sandpaper. Stayed up too late binging on "Game of Thrones." Bf made me cinnamon rolls for breakfast and got everything out, as he always does, for my coffee fixins. He is a darling. Rushed to work, no altercations with aggressive Loudon truck drivers (tyG). Burrowed through emails, projects, event planning, and distracting activities like this one. Hopefully this day will end with leaving work, going to chiropractor, picking up a few tops which I desperately need in my wardrobe, and hitting the garden for some serious progress on the final section that needs digging. Dinner w my love and sweetness/sweatness.

One of my favorite things...
is playing car games with my kids, such as "I went to my Grandmother's Attic" or "Would You Rather" or "Opposites Game" or "Which one sounds kind and which one sounds mean?"

Post Script

(red-tailed hawk, photo from internet)

Thank you for reading.

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