Monday, November 24, 2008

i am (what i am)

i am . . .

i am: tired of having a neckache
i think: i could really enjoy the bankruptcy cases I am working on, if I had time to work on them
i know: it isn't snowing right now

i want: to have Wednesday off
i have: in-laws coming to visit tomorrow, for the week

i wish: the bathroom was already cleaned
i hate: loose hairs on the floor - grosses me out!!
i miss: my friend Juli (who likes to be called "Jewels")
i fear: my fibromyalgia making pregnancy and motherhood very painful
i feel: most at home in my pj's

i hear: the printer whirring away - someone's working
i smell: dust
i crave: dust (a ha ha, just kidding)...a massage

i search: for a job, endlessly
i wonder: as i wander...(i am already heavily into Xmas carols)
i regret: not having a baby sooner
i love: Christmas, oh, i do, i do
i ache: to be near my sister - she's coming in December, thank God
i care: about the cats, and maybe that makes me "The Cat Lady" - i'm not sure
i always: talk to the dog, and sometimes i sing to him
i am not: insane (or AM I?!?)
i believe: that everyone will like LOST if they watch it from the very beginning
i dance: when Mexican music comes on
i sing: while i do the laundry, or get dressed, or do dishes
i cry: while i do the laundry, or get dressed, or do dishes (a ha ha)
i don’t always: waste time
i fight: the urge to stay up all night, especially during the holidays
i write: the Christmas letter for our family every year
i win: at Taboo, often (i love that game!)
i lose: at Trivial Pursuit, always...embarrassing (then again, who cares)
i never: say "no" at work - well usually never
i confuse: everything lately - i think it's the grief
i listen: to the moon whenever possible
i can usually be found: in front of the TV, or behind the steering wheel
i am scared: of never having any children
i need: some money, in a bad way
i am happy about: Obama becoming our next President!!!
i hope: he is not harmed in any way

Und du???

1 comment:

Marie Rayner said...

Interesting as always! I think you are a beautiful, fabulous, wonderful gal and I find you fascinating and so very interesting. I have never been able to figure out your yahoo page for some reason. I can get onto it, but I can't look at anything. Probably just me being internet challenged... I hope that you have a Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!