Thursday, March 12, 2020

For Today...
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Outside my window...
is a grey cement block with a cell tower on it. Super boring. But just enough light through my window to grow five beautiful plants. Grateful.

I am thinking...
about the nature of human flexibility. It is a difficult character trait for me to be very good at. But it continues to be necessary more than most other qualities, necessary in succeeding at life.

I am thankful...
for a real family, odd as it is configured, after all. There is me and the kids, my ex, my current partner, and my mom. Throw in some friends and neighborhood buddies, some mom/dad friends (meaning, because of the kids). and some long-losts. It feels like home anyway.

I am wearing...
the same jeans for four days in a row. A sure sign of depression/boredom/the blahs.

I am creating...
children who routinely ask the big questions, wonder about the world and how they can affect it, care about others (even strangers), and seek to know spiritual truths. I am creating children who know who they are and value themselves, all while they learn about each other. They have a lot of theories about a lot of things. Never short on confidence, imagination, or questions. This makes my heart glad.

I am go with the flow with this crazy coronavirus. Everything is a question mark - everything at work, on my calendar, in the future. There's nothing I can do but flow.

I am wondering...
if I will ever get a vacation this year. Like a real vacation. Every one seems to slip just out of reach. I truly need to get away with some me time, some adult time, or I'm gonna go nuts. Part of the depression slog is just a pure lack of vacation. I honestly can't remember the last vacation. For me - probably California last January (ugh), and for the family, Indiana in June. Not sure I have been anywhere since then. Grape Island...which is fun but a whole lot of work. I am talking about relaxation.

I am reading...
I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You: A Novel  
I am Having So Much Fun Here Without You: A Novel, by Courtney Maum.
I am also addicted to the podcast "Strangers."

I am hoping...
for a vacation. Everything else I thought I had in place just came spontaneously crashing down, so why not shoot for the stars?

I am learning...
to wait. And then wait. And wait some more. Patience....this is taking me a whole life to learn.

In my garden...
I bet the tiny daffodils are sprouting. They certainly are at home! It has been so unseasonably warm. All the little flowers - tulips, daffodils, crocuses, snow drops (!!), day lilies are poking up through the soil and showing their stems. I hope they don't get frozen and crushed with another winter snow - likely - but maybe they won't! If we had a long spring this year, that would make a HUGE difference to my mood. Some time in the garden/dirt would do me a world of good.

In my kitchen...
there are multiple undone or unfinished art projects. My kids seem to have gone off art somewhat. Which is so sad for me as I loved doing art projects with them! Now if I can get them to color for 20 minutes it's a miracle.

A favorite quote for today...
"A balloon only floats when it's filled with helium. So fill up those dreams so they can get off the ground!"

A peek into one of my days...

One of my favorite things...
is the sensory swing. Kinda feel like taking a nap in it right now.

Post Script 
Water what you want to grow.

Thank you for reading.

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