Thursday, March 14, 2019

Morning Gratitude:
1. the church I have been going to, Next Level Church in Pembroke
2. 1:1 time with Lucy, my dearest girl
3. sleep - I can vaguely remember it (and want some more)
5. connecting with old friends on FB
6. kind people at work
7. having my own office at work
8. a productive meeting yesterday to plan one of the summer conferences
9. Candace, who's using the drop-in office next to me; she is a ray of sunshine in a dreary day
10. my boy Jack, and having some time with him tonight

What I'm learning from my challenges/obstacles:
1. Major emotional challenges with Jack - I am learning about self-regulation, Zones of Regulation (which will incidentally help me with my work too), and how to ask for help from the medical, behavioral health, and school systems.
2. My apartment is too small and crowded - I am learning to de-clutter, to purge heavily on a regular basis, and to teach my kids about giving (their things go to other kids or to Good Will when they are done with them).
3. Lots of obstacles at work - I am learning to continue being patient, the importance of timing, and that I can step back and let others step up (even if they don't do it as quickly as I want).

People I'm grateful for (who make life a little happier):
1. Lucinda Grace
2. Scott - who is very good at working with me to make sure our kids are happy and healthy
3. Karen H, Tara C, and Liz S at work
4. Rachel - she makes my life a LOT happier actually
5. Bob - who is very sweet to keep doing crazy science experiments with the kids even when I don't want to

The best part of my day (yesterday):
The best part of my day yesterday was knowing, all day, that I have another 1:1 night with my little girl; realizing how easy it is to be with her; having fun doing groceries with her and cooking for Bob, doing her science project - and how excited she was to "teach Mommy to love science" - and watching the crazy Dollar Store science thing actually work (!); having her eat dinner with no food arguments (!!!!!!!); and having her ask me to read more of her Bible that I got her for Christmas as the bedtime story. I am so proud of this girl in so many ways. I love her to pieces.

Grateful for the moment of life in which I live and breathe.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Gratefulness is a wonderful worldview to help us meet the daily challenges of life. I'm so glad you have discovered that. This quote (from Michael Mahoney) kind of sums it up:

"There are many things to be grateful for but,
as I ripen with the seasons of life,
I realize that living gratefully is its own blessing."

Just know that I am grateful for YOU! Love, M.